diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile index 1b5d993..0574920 100644 --- a/Rakefile +++ b/Rakefile @@ -274,25 +274,54 @@ task :set_root_dir, :dir do |t, args| end end -desc "Setup _deploy folder and deploy branch" -task :config_deploy, :branch do |t, args| - puts "!! Please provide a deploy branch, eg. rake init_deploy[gh-pages] !!" unless args.branch - puts "## Creating a clean #{args.branch} branch in ./#{deploy_dir} for Github pages deployment" +desc "Set up _deploy folder and deploy branch for Github Pages deployment" +task :setup_github do + repo_url = get_stdin("Enter the read/write url for your repository: ") + user = repo_url.match(/:([^\/]+)/)[1] + branch = (repo_url.match(/\/\w+.github.com/).nil?) ? 'gh-pages' : 'master' + project = (branch == 'gh-pages') ? repo_url.match(/\/([^\.]+)/)[1] : '' + unless `git remote -v`.match(/origin.+?octopress.git/).nil? + # If octopress is still the origin remote (from cloning) rename it to octopress + system "git remote rename origin octopress" + if branch == 'master' + # If this is a user/organization pages repository, add the correct origin remote + # and checkout the source branch for committing changes to the blog source. + system "git remote add origin #{repo_url}" + puts "Added remote #{repo_url} as origin" + system "git config branch.master.remote origin" + puts "Set origin as default remote" + system "git branch -m master source" + puts "Master branch renamed to 'source' for committing your blog source files" + else + unless !public_dir.match("#{project}").nil? + system "rake set_root_dir[#{project}]" + end + end + end + url = "http://#{user}.github.com" + url += "/#{project}" unless project == '' + jekyll_config = IO.read('_config.yml') + jekyll_config.sub!(/^url:.*$/, "url: #{url}") + File.open('_config.yml', 'w') do |f| + f.write jekyll_config + end + rm_rf deploy_dir + mkdir deploy_dir cd "#{deploy_dir}" do - system "git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/#{args.branch}" - system "rm .git/index" - system "git clean -fdx" + system "git init" system "echo 'My Octopress Page is coming soon …' > index.html" system "git add ." system "git commit -m \"Octopress init\"" + system "git branch -m gh-pages" unless branch == 'master' + system "git remote add origin #{repo_url}" rakefile = IO.read(__FILE__) - rakefile.sub!(/deploy_branch(\s*)=(\s*)(["'])[\w-]*["']/, "deploy_branch\\1=\\2\\3#{args.branch}\\3") + rakefile.sub!(/deploy_branch(\s*)=(\s*)(["'])[\w-]*["']/, "deploy_branch\\1=\\2\\3#{branch}\\3") rakefile.sub!(/deploy_default(\s*)=(\s*)(["'])[\w-]*["']/, "deploy_default\\1=\\2\\3push\\3") File.open(__FILE__, 'w') do |f| f.write rakefile end end - puts "## Deployment configured. Now you can deploy to the #{args.branch} branch with `rake deploy` ##" + puts "\n---\n## Now you can deploy to #{url} with `rake deploy` ##" end def ok_failed(condition)