require 'pathname' module Jekyll class IncludeCodeTag < Liquid::Tag def initialize(tag_name, file, tokens) super @file = file.strip end def render(context) code_dir = (context.registers[:site].config['code_dir'] || 'downloads/code') code_path = ([:site].source) + code_dir).expand_path file = code_path + @file if File.symlink?(code_path) return "Code directory '#{code_path}' cannot be a symlink" end unless file.file? return "File #{file} could not be found" end Dir.chdir(code_path) do code = file_type = file.extname url = "#{context.registers[:site].config['url']}/#{code_dir}/#{@file}" source = "
\n" source += "{% highlight #{file_type} %}\n" + code + "\n{% endhighlight %}
" partial = Liquid::Template.parse(source) context.stack do partial.render(context) end end end end end Liquid::Template.register_tag('include_code', Jekyll::IncludeCodeTag)