require 'pygments' require 'fileutils' require 'digest/md5' PYGMENTS_CACHE_DIR = File.expand_path('../../.pygments-cache', __FILE__) FileUtils.mkdir_p(PYGMENTS_CACHE_DIR) module HighlightCode def self.highlight(str, lang) lang = 'ruby' if lang == 'ru' lang = 'objc' if lang == 'm' lang = 'perl' if lang == 'pl' lang = 'yaml' if lang == 'yml' str = pygments(str, lang).match(/
(.+)<\/pre>/m)[1].to_s.gsub(/ *$/, '') #strip out divs 
tableize_code(str, lang) end def self.pygments(code, lang) if defined?(PYGMENTS_CACHE_DIR) path = File.join(PYGMENTS_CACHE_DIR, "#{lang}-#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(code)}.html") if File.exist?(path) highlighted_code = else begin highlighted_code = Pygments.highlight(code, :lexer => lang, :formatter => 'html', :options => {:encoding => 'utf-8', :startinline => true}) rescue MentosError raise "Pygments can't parse unknown language: #{lang}." end, 'w') {|f| f.print(highlighted_code) } end else highlighted_code = Pygments.highlight(code, :lexer => lang, :formatter => 'html', :options => {:encoding => 'utf-8', :startinline => true}) end highlighted_code end def self.tableize_code (str, lang = '') table = '
    code = ''
    str.lines.each_with_index do |line,index|
      table += "#{index+1}\n"
      code  += "#{line}"
    table += "
" end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # INTERIM BUGFIX FOR: # an upstream solution is in the works but, as of 2012-08-29, the pygment.rb # gem has yet to incorporate necessary changes and release a new gem: # # # The ForcePython2 module below tries to ensure that, when the 'python' command # is executed, it always returns an interpreter for version 2.* of python, # regardless of what the system-wide default version of python is. When the # system-wide version of python is not 2.* and a compatible version is found, # a .pygments-cache/python-bin/python symlink is created which points to the # compatible version. The python-bin directory is then added to the PATH # which gives priority to locally identified version. # module ForcePython2 class << self def find_python2 (%w{python python2} + 10.downto(0).map{|v|"python2.#{v}"}).each do |cmd| cmd_path = which_cmd(cmd) or next return cmd_path if python_major_ver(cmd_path) == 2 end nil end def python_major_ver(cmd_path) %x{"#{cmd_path}" -c "import sys; print(sys.version_info.major)"}.to_i end def which_cmd(cmd) # loosely based on cross-platform solution found on stack overflow: # exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] # windows ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| cmd_paths = {|ext| "#{path}#{File::SEPARATOR}#{cmd}#{ext}" } cmd_path = cmd_paths.find {|c| File.executable?(c) } return cmd_path if cmd_path end nil end def force # rewrite PATH to include local dir which might have python symlink path = "#{PYGMENTS_CACHE_DIR}#{File::SEPARATOR}python-bin" ENV['PATH'] = "#{path}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{ENV['PATH']}" # if 'python' command's version is 2.*, we're good return if python_major_ver(which_cmd('python')) == 2 # not v2, search all our paths for a compatible version if cmd_path = find_python2 # found a compatible version, make it stick w/ a symlink sym_path = "#{path}#{File::SEPARATOR}python#{File.extname(cmd_path)}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) File.symlink(cmd_path, sym_path) rescue nil # don't care if unimplemented end end end end ForcePython2::force unless ENV['FORCE_PYTHON2'] =~ /^(?:0|false|no)$/i