// documentation on writing tests here: http://docs.jquery.com/QUnit // example tests: https://github.com/jquery/qunit/blob/master/test/same.js // below are some general tests but feel free to delete them. module("example tests"); test("HTML5 Boilerplate is sweet",function(){ expect(1); equals("boilerplate".replace("boilerplate","sweet"),"sweet","Yes. HTML5 Boilerplate is, in fact, sweet"); }) // these test things from plugins.js test("Environment is good",function(){ expect(3); ok( !!window.log, "log function present"); var history = log.history && log.history.length || 0; log("logging from the test suite.") equals( log.history.length - history, 1, "log history keeps track" ) ok( !!window.Modernizr, "Modernizr global is present") })