== javascript_include_tag "qrcode.js" == javascript_include_tag "html5-qrcode.js" h1 | QRCode Generator Example form#QRform name="QRform" textarea cols="50" name="textField" onclick="this.focus();this.select();" onkeyup="updateQRCode(this.value)" rows="8" I love QR Codes. Type in here and watch the QR code below update. // This is where our QRCode will appear in. #qrcode javascript: function updateQRCode(text) { var element = document.getElementById("qrcode"); var bodyElement = document.body; if(element.lastChild) element.replaceChild(showQRCode(text), element.lastChild); else element.appendChild(showQRCode(text)); } updateQRCode('I love QR Codes. Type in here and watch the QR code below update.'); p a href="https://github.com/amanuel/JS-HTML5-QRCode-Generator" onmouseover="updateQRCode(this.href)" Project Homepage