2013-02-17 22:02:02 +01:00

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<h1>{ Albert Schulz }</h1>
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<p>At the moment I study information system technology at Dresden University of Technology in Germany.<br/><br />
I love to program. I enjoy learning new things. I appreciate beautiful, thought-out designs.<br />I like people who have a goal in mind.</p>
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<h2>Main Skills</h2>
<li>iOS Development for 5 years {several Cydia & AppStore projects}</li>
<li>Javascript & CoffeeScript {recent project was a webservice with the power of Node JS}</li>
<h2>Little experience</h2>
<li>Redis.io {great, scalable NoSQL Database}</li>
<li>Java {forced to learn it in university, urgh!}</li>
<li>PHP & MySQL {just the basics you have to know in everyday life}</li>
<li>Ruby { // TODO: learn Ruby on Rails}</li>
<li>HTML5 & CSS3</li>
<!-- <h2>Contact</h2>
<a href="">albert.schulz@me.com</a> <br/>
<a href="">@albert_sn</a> <br/>
<a href="">Github (albertschulz)</a> <br/>
<a href="">RichTownApps.de</a> -->
© 2013 | Albert Schulz <br/><br />
Beautiful XCode Image by <a href="http://artcore-illustrations.de">Nadja Hallfahrt </a><br/>
Bullet Icons by <a href="http://www.fatcow.com">FatCow</a>
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