added a rake task for creating a new post

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B Mathis 2009-12-07 10:55:13 -06:00
parent af719fb4dd
commit a6262dcbff
1 changed files with 12 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -35,6 +35,18 @@ task :default => [:generate_site, :generate_style] do
puts ">>> Site Generating Complete! <<<\n\n"
# usage rake post[my-new-post] or rake post['my new post'] or rake post (defaults to "new-post")
desc "Begin a new post in #{source}/_posts"
task :post, :filename do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:filename => 'new-post')
#system "touch #{source}/_posts/#{'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M')}-#{args.filename}.markdown"
open("#{source}/_posts/#{'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M')}-#{args.filename.gsub(/[ _]/, '-')}.markdown", 'w') do |post|
post.puts "---"
post.puts "title: \"#{args.filename.gsub(/[-_]/, ' ').titlecase}\""
post.puts "---"
desc "list tasks"
task :list do
puts "Tasks: #{(Rake::Task.tasks - [Rake::Task[:list]]).to_sentence}"