- removed unneeded files and set html title

This commit is contained in:
Albert Schulz 2013-02-17 22:35:37 +01:00
parent 4f758c0ca0
commit 7ff958d91c
14 changed files with 1 additions and 1520 deletions

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# [HTML5 Boilerplate](http://html5boilerplate.com)
HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast,
robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
This project is the product of many years of iterative development and combined
community knowledge. It does not impose a specific development philosophy or
framework, so you're free to architect your code in the way that you want.
* Source: [https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate](https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate)
* Homepage: [http://html5boilerplate.com](http://html5boilerplate.com)
* Twitter: [@h5bp](http://twitter.com/h5bp)
## Quick start
Choose one of the following options:
1. Download the latest stable release from
[html5boilerplate.com](http://html5boilerplate.com/) or a custom build from
2. Clone the git repo — `git clone
https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate.git` - and checkout the tagged
release you'd like to use.
## Features
* HTML5 ready. Use the new elements with confidence.
* Cross-browser compatible (Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox 3.6+, IE6+).
* Designed with progressive enhancement in mind.
* Includes [Normalize.css](http://necolas.github.com/normalize.css/) for CSS
normalizations and common bug fixes.
* The latest [jQuery](http://jquery.com/) via CDN, with a local fallback.
* The latest [Modernizr](http://modernizr.com/) build for feature detection.
* IE-specific classes for easier cross-browser control.
* Placeholder CSS Media Queries.
* Useful CSS helpers.
* Default print CSS, performance optimized.
* Protection against any stray `console.log` causing JavaScript errors in
* An optimized Google Analytics snippet.
* Apache server caching, compression, and other configuration defaults for
Grade-A performance.
* Cross-domain Ajax and Flash.
* "Delete-key friendly." Easy to strip out parts you don't need.
* Extensive inline and accompanying documentation.
## Documentation
Take a look at the [documentation table of
contents](/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/doc/TOC.md). This
documentation is bundled with the project, which makes it readily available for
offline reading and provides a useful starting point for any documentation
you want to write about your project.
## Contributing
Anyone and everyone is welcome to
[contribute](/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Hundreds
of developers have helped make the HTML5 Boilerplate what it is today.

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.adobe.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<!-- Read this: www.adobe.com/devnet/articles/crossdomain_policy_file_spec.html -->
<!-- Most restrictive policy: -->
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="none"/>
<!-- Least restrictive policy: -->
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" secure="false"/>
<allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*" secure="false"/>

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[HTML5 Boilerplate homepage](http://html5boilerplate.com)
# HTML5 Boilerplate documentation:
## Getting started
* [Usage](usage.md) — Overview of the project contents.
* [FAQ](faq.md) — Frequently asked questions, along with their answers.
## The core of HTML5 Boilerplate
* [HTML](html.md) — A guide to the default HTML.
* [CSS](css.md) — A guide to the default CSS.
* [JavaScript](js.md) — A guide to the default JavaScript.
* [.htaccess](htaccess.md) — All about the Apache web server config (also see
our [alternative server configs](https://github.com/h5bp/server-configs)).
* [crossdomain.xml](crossdomain.md) — An introduction to making use of
crossdomain requests.
* [Everything else](misc.md).
## Development
* [Extending and customizing HTML5 Boilerplate](extend.md) — Going further with
the boilerplate.
## Related projects
HTML5 Boilerplate has several related projects to help improve the performance
of your site/app in various production environments.
* [Server configs](https://github.com/h5bp/server-configs) — Configs for
non-Apache servers.
* [Node build script](https://github.com/h5bp/node-build-script) — A
feature-rich [grunt](https://github.com/cowboy/grunt) plugin.
* [Ant build script](https://github.com/h5bp/ant-build-script) — The original
HTML5 Boilerplate build script.

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# crossdomain.xml
A cross-domain policy file is an XML document that grants a web client—such as
Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, etc., permission to handle data across
multiple domains. When a client hosts content from a particular source domain
and that content makes requests directed towards a domain other than its own,
the remote domain would need to host a cross-domain policy file that grants
access to the source domain, allowing the client to continue with the
transaction. Policy files grant read access to data, permit a client to include
custom headers in cross-domain requests, and are also used with sockets to
grant permissions for socket-based connections.
For full details, check out Adobe's article about the [cross-domain policy file

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# The CSS
The HTML5 Boilerplate starting CSS includes:
* [Normalize.css](https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css).
* Useful HTML5 Boilerplate defaults.
* Common helpers.
* Placeholder media queries.
* Print styles.
This starting CSS does not rely on the presence of conditional classnames,
conditional style sheets, or Modernizr. It is ready to use whatever your
development preferences happen to be.
## Normalize.css
Normalize.css is a modern, HTML5-ready alternative to CSS resets. It contains
extensive inline documentation. Please refer to the [Normalize.css
project](http://necolas.github.com/normalize.css/) for more information.
## HTML5 Boilerplate defaults
This project includes a handful of base styles that build upon Normalize.css.
These include:
* Basic typography settings to provide improved text readability by default.
* Protection against unwanted `text-shadow` during text highlighting.
* Tweaks to default image alignment, fieldsets, and textareas.
* A pretty Chrome Frame prompt.
You are free to modify or add to these base styles as your project requires.
## Common helpers
#### `.ir`
Add the `.ir` class to any element you are applying image-replacement to. When
replacing an element's content with an image, make sure to also set a specific
`background-image: url(pathtoimage.png);`, `width`, and `height` so that your
replacement image appears.
#### `.hidden`
Add the `.hidden` class to any elements that you want to hide from all
presentations, including screen readers. It could be an element that will be
populated later with JavaScript or an element you will hide with JavaScript. Do
not use this for SEO keyword stuffing. That is just not cool.
#### `.visuallyhidden`
Add the `.visuallyhidden` class to hide text from browsers but make it
available for screen readers. You can use this to hide text that is specific to
screen readers but that other users should not see. [About invisible
content](http://www.webaim.org/techniques/css/invisiblecontent/), [Hiding
content for
[HTML5 Boilerplate
#### `.invisible`
Add the `.invisible` class to any element you want to hide without affecting
layout. When you use `display: none` an element is effectively removed from the
layout. But in some cases you want the element to simply be invisible while
remaining in the flow and not affecting the positioning of surrounding
#### `.clearfix`
Adding `.clearfix` to an element will ensure that it always fully contains its
floated children. There have been many variants of the clearfix hack over the
years, and there are other hacks that can also help you to contain floated
children, but the HTML5 Boilerplate currently uses the [micro
## Media Queries
The boilerplate makes it easy to get started with a "Mobile First" and
[Responsive Web
Design](http://www.alistapart.com/articles/responsive-web-design/) approach to
development. But it's worth remembering that there are [no silver
We include a placeholder Media Queries to build up your mobile styles for wider
viewports and high-resolution displays. It's recommended that you adapt these
Media Queries based on the content of your site rather than mirroring the fixed
dimensions of specific devices.
If you do not want to take a "Mobile First" approach, you can simply edit or
remove these placeholder Media Queries. One possibility would be to work from
wide viewports down and use `max-width` MQs instead, e.g., `@media only screen
and (max-width: 480px)`.
Take a look into the [Mobile
Boilerplate](https://github.com/h5bp/mobile-boilerplate) for features that are
useful when developing mobile wep apps.
## Print styles
* Print styles are inlined to [reduce the number of page
* We strip all background colors and change the font color to dark gray and
remove text-shadow. This is meant to help save printer ink.
* Anchors do not need colors to indicate they are linked. They are underlined
to indicate so.
* Anchors and Abbreviations are expanded to indicate where users reading the
printed page can refer to.
* But we do not want to show link text for image replaced elements (given that
they are primarily images).
### Paged media styles
* Paged media is supported only in a [few
* Paged media support means browsers would know how to interpret instructions
on breaking content into pages and on orphans/widows.
* We use `page-break-inside: avoid;` to prevent an image and table row from
being split into two different pages, so use the same `page-break-inside:
avoid;` for that as well.
* Headings should always appear with the text they are titles for. So, we
ensure headings never appear in a different page than the text they describe
by using `page-break-after: avoid;`.
* We also apply a default margin for the page specified in `cm`.
* We do not want [orphans and
widows](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widows_and_orphans) to appear on pages
you print. So, by defining `orphans: 3` and `widows: 3` you define the minimal
number of words that every line should contain.

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# Extend and customise HTML5 Boilerplate
Here is some useful advice for how you can make your project with HTML5
Boilerplate even better. We don't want to include it all by default, as not
everything fits with everyone's needs.
## DNS prefetching
In short, DNS Prefetching is a method of informing the browser of domain names
referenced on a site so that the client can resolve the DNS for those hosts,
cache them, and when it comes time to use them, have a faster turn around on
the request.
### Implicit prefetches
There is a lot of prefetching done for you automatically by the browser. When
the browser encounters an anchor in your html that does not share the same
domain name as the current location the browser requests, from the client OS,
the IP address for this new domain. The client first checks its cache and
then, lacking a cached copy, makes a request from a DNS server. These requests
happen in the background and are not meant to block the rendering of the
The goal of this is that when the foreign IP address is finally needed it will
already be in the client cache and will not block the loading of the foreign
content. Less requests result in faster page load times. The perception of this
is increased on a mobile platform where DNS latency can be greater.
#### Disable implicit prefetching
<meta http-equiv="x-dns-prefetch-control" content="off">
Even with X-DNS-Prefetch-Control meta tag (or http header) browsers will still
prefetch any explicit dns-prefetch links.
### Explicit prefetches
Typically the browser only scans the HTML for foreign domains. If you have
resources that are outside of your HTML (a javascript request to a remote
server or a CDN that hosts content that may not be present on every page of
your site, for example) then you can queue up a domain name to be prefetched.
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//example.com">
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//ajax.googleapis.com">
You can use as many of these as you need, but it's best if they are all
immediately after the [Meta
element (which should go right at the top of the `head`), so the browser can
act on them ASAP.
#### Common Prefetch Links
Amazon S3:
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//s3.amazonaws.com">
Google APIs:
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//ajax.googleapis.com">
Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network:
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//ajax.microsoft.com">
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//ajax.aspnetcdn.com">
### Browser support for DNS prefetching
Chrome, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 5+, Opera (Unknown), IE 9 (called "Pre-resolution"
on blogs.msdn.com)
### Further reading about DNS prefetching
* https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Controlling_DNS_prefetching
* http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/dns-prefetching
* http://www.apple.com/safari/whats-new.html
* http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2011/03/17/internet-explorer-9-network-performance-improvements.aspx
* http://dayofjs.com/videos/22158462/web-browsers_alex-russel
## Search
### Direct search spiders to your sitemap
[Learn how to make a sitemap](http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.php)
<link rel="sitemap" type="application/xml" title="Sitemap" href="/sitemap.xml">
### Hide pages from search engines
According to Heather Champ, former community manager at Flickr, you should not
allow search engines to index your "Contact Us" or "Complaints" page if you
value your sanity. This is an HTML-centric way of achieving that.
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
### Firefox and IE Search Plugins
Sites with in-site search functionality should be strongly considered for a
browser search plugin. A "search plugin" is an XML file which defines how your
plugin behaves in the browser. [How to make a browser search
<link rel="search" title="" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="">
## Internet Explorer
### Prompt users to switch to "Desktop Mode" in IE10 Metro
IE10 does not support plugins, such as Flash, in Metro mode. If your site
requires plugins, you can let users know that via the X-UA-Compatible meta
element, which will prompt them to switch to Desktop Mode.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="requiresActiveX=true">
Here's what it looks like alongside H5BP's default X-UA-Compatible values:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1,requiresActiveX=true">
You can find more information in [Microsoft's IEBlog post about prompting for
plugin use in IE10 Metro
### IE Pinned Sites (IE9+)
Enabling your application for pinning will allow IE9 users to add it to their
Windows Taskbar and Start Menu. This comes with a range of new tools that you
can easily configure with the elements below. See more [documentation on IE9
Pinned Sites](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg131029.aspx).
### Name the Pinned Site for Windows
Without this rule, Windows will use the page title as the name for your
<meta name="application-name" content="Sample Title">
### Give your Pinned Site a tooltip
You know — a tooltip. A little textbox that appears when the user holds their
mouse over your Pinned Site's icon.
<meta name="msapplication-tooltip" content="A description of what this site does.">
### Set a default page for your Pinned Site
If the site should go to a specific URL when it is pinned (such as the
homepage), enter it here. One idea is to send it to a special URL so you can
track the number of pinned users, like so:
<meta name="msapplication-starturl" content="http://www.example.com/index.html?pinned=true">
### Recolor IE's controls manually for a Pinned Site
IE9+ will automatically use the overall color of your Pinned Site's favicon to
shade its browser buttons. UNLESS you give it another color here. Only use
named colors (`red`) or hex colors (`#ff0000`).
<meta name="msapplication-navbutton-color" content="#ff0000">
### Manually set the window size of a Pinned Site
If the site should open at a certain window size once pinned, you can specify
the dimensions here. It only supports static pixel dimensions. 800x600
<meta name="msapplication-window" content="width=800;height=600">
### Jump List "Tasks" for Pinned Sites
Add Jump List Tasks that will appear when the Pinned Site's icon gets a
right-click. Each Task goes to the specified URL, and gets its own mini icon
(essentially a favicon, a 16x16 .ICO). You can add as many of these as you
<meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=Task 1;action-uri=http://host/Page1.html;icon-uri=http://host/icon1.ico">
<meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=Task 2;action-uri=http://microsoft.com/Page2.html;icon-uri=http://host/icon2.ico">
### (Windows 8) High quality visuals for Pinned Sites
Windows 8 adds the ability for you to provide a PNG tile image and specify the
tile's background color. [Full details on the IE
* Create a 144x144 image of your site icon, filling all of the canvas, and
using a transparent background.
* Save this image as a 32-bit PNG and optimize it without reducing
colour-depth. It can be named whatever you want (e.g. `metro-tile.png`).
* To reference the tile and its color, add the HTML `meta` elements described
in the IE Blog post.
### (Windows 8) Badges for Pinned Sites
IE10 will poll an XML document for badge information to display on your app's
tile in the Start screen. The user will be able to receive these badge updates
even when your app isn't actively running. The badge's value can be a number,
or one of a predefined list of glyphs.
* [Tutorial on IEBlog with link to badge XML schema](http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2012/04/03/pinned-sites-in-windows-8.aspx)
* [Available badge values](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/br212849.aspx)
<meta name="msapplication-badge" value="frequency=NUMBER_IN_MINUTES;polling-uri=http://www.example.com/path/to/file.xml">
### Suppress IE6 image toolbar
Kill IE6's pop-up-on-mouseover toolbar for images that can interfere with
certain designs and be pretty distracting in general.
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="false">
## Social Networks
### Facebook Open Graph data
You can control the information that Facebook and others display when users
share your site. Below are just the most basic data points you might need. For
specific content types (including "website"), see [Facebook's built-in Open
Graph content
Take full advantage of Facebook's support for complex data and activity by
following the [Open Graph
<meta property="og:title" content="">
<meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
### Twitter Cards
Twitter provides a snippet specification that serves a similar purpose to Open
Graph. In fact, Twitter will use Open Graph when Cards is not available. Note
that, as of this writing, Twitter requires that app developers activate Cards
on a per-domain basis. You can read more about the various snippet formats
and application process in the [official Twitter Cards
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@site_account">
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@individual_account">
<meta name="twitter:url" content="http://www.example.com/path/to/page.html">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="http://www.example.com/path/to/image.jpg">
## URLs
### Canonical URL
Signal to search engines and others "Use this URL for this page!" Useful when
parameters after a `#` or `?` is used to control the display state of a page.
`http://www.example.com/cart.html?shopping-cart-open=true` can be indexed as
the cleaner, more accurate `http://www.example.com/cart.html`.
<link rel="canonical" href="">
### Official shortlink
Signal to the world "This is the shortened URL to use this page!" Poorly
supported at this time. Learn more by reading the [article about shortlinks on
the Microformats wiki](http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-shortlink).
<link rel="shortlink" href="h5bp.com">
## News Feeds
### RSS
Have an RSS feed? Link to it here. Want to [learn how to write an RSS feed from
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="/rss.xml">
### Atom
Atom is similar to RSS, and you might prefer to use it instead of or in
addition to it. [See what Atom's all
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom" href="/atom.xml">
### Pingbacks
Your server may be notified when another site links to yours. The href
attribute should contain the location of your pingback service.
<link rel="pingback" href="">
* High-level explanation: http://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Pingbacks
* Step-by-step example case: http://www.hixie.ch/specs/pingback/pingback-1.0#TOC5
* PHP pingback service: http://blog.perplexedlabs.com/2009/07/15/xmlrpc-pingbacks-using-php/
## App Stores
### Install a Chrome Web Store app
Users can install a Chrome app directly from your website, as long as the app
and site have been associated via Google's Webmaster Tools. Read more on
[Chrome Web Store's Inline Installation
<link rel="chrome-webstore-item" href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/APP_ID">
### Smart App Banners in iOS 6 Safari
Stop bothering everyone with gross modals advertising your entry in the App Store.
This bit of code will unintrusively allow the user the option to download your iOS
app, or open it with some data about the user's current state on the website.
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=APP_ID,app-argument=SOME_TEXT">
## Google Analytics augments
### More tracking settings
The [optimized Google Analytics
snippet](http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/async-analytics-snippet) included with
HTML5 Boilerplate includes something like this:
var _gaq = [['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X'], ['_trackPageview']];
In case you need more settings, just extend the array literal instead of
[`.push()`ing to the
var _gaq = [['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X'], ['_trackPageview'], ['_setAllowAnchor', true]];
### Anonymize IP addresses
In some countries, no personal data may be transferred outside jurisdictions
that do not have similarly strict laws (i.e. from Germany to outside the EU).
Thus a webmaster using the Google Analytics script may have to ensure that no
personal (trackable) data is transferred to the US. You can do that with [the
In use it looks like this:
var _gaq = [['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X'], ['_gat._anonymizeIp'], ['_trackPageview']];
### Track jQuery AJAX requests in Google Analytics
An article by @JangoSteve explains how to [track jQuery AJAX requests in Google
Add this to `plugins.js`:
* Log all jQuery AJAX requests to Google Analytics
* See: http://www.alfajango.com/blog/track-jquery-ajax-requests-in-google-analytics/
if (typeof _gaq !== "undefined" && _gaq !== null) {
$(document).ajaxSend(function(event, xhr, settings){
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', settings.url]);
### Track JavaScript errors in Google Analytics
Add this function after `_gaq` is defined:
var undefined,
link = function (href) {
var a = window.document.createElement('a');
a.href = href;
return a;
window.onerror = function (message, file, row) {
var host = link(file).hostname;
(host == window.location.hostname || host == undefined || host == '' ? '' : 'external ') + 'error',
message, file + ' LINE: ' + row, undefined, undefined, true
### Track page scroll
Add this function after `_gaq` is defined:
var isDuplicateScrollEvent,
scrollTimeStart = new Date,
$window = $(window),
$document = $(document),
$window.scroll(function() {
scrollPercent = Math.round(100 * ($window.height() + $window.scrollTop())/$document.height());
if (scrollPercent > 90 && !isDuplicateScrollEvent) { //page scrolled to 90%
isDuplicateScrollEvent = 1;
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'scroll',
'Window: ' + $window.height() + 'px; Document: ' + $document.height() + 'px; Time: ' + Math.round((new Date - scrollTimeStart )/1000,1) + 's',
undefined, undefined, true
## Miscellaneous
* Use [HTML5
* Use [Microformats](http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page) (via
[microdata](http://microformats.org/wiki/microdata)) for optimum search
* If you're building a web app you may want [native style momentum scrolling in
iOS5](http://johanbrook.com/browsers/native-momentum-scrolling-ios-5/) using
`-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch`.
* Avoid development/stage websites "leaking" into SERPs (search engine results
page) by [implementing X-Robots-tag
* Screen readers currently have less-than-stellar support for HTML5 but the JS
script [accessifyhtml5.js](https://github.com/yatil/accessifyhtml5.js) can
help increase accessibility by adding ARIA roles to HTML5 elements.
*Many thanks to [Brian Blakely](https://github.com/brianblakely) for
contributing much of this information.*

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# Frequently asked questions
### Why is the URL for jQuery without "http"?
This is an intentional use of [protocol-relative
**N.B.** Using a protocol-relative URL for files that exist on a CDN is
problematic when you try to view your local files directly in the browser. The
browser will attempt to fetch the file from your local file system. We
recommend that you use a local server to test your pages (or Dropbox). This can
be done using Python by running `python -m SimpleHTTPServer` from your local
directory, using Ruby by installing and running
[asdf](https://rubygems.org/gems/asdf), and by installing any one of XAMPP,
### Why don't you automatically load the latest version of jQuery from the Google CDN?
1. The latest version of jQuery may not be compatible with the existing
plugins/code on the site. Version updating should be an intentional
2. The latest version has a very short `max-age=3600` compares to the specific
version of `max-age=31536000`, which means you won't get the benefits of
long-term caching.
### Why is the Google Analytics code at the bottom? Google recommends it be placed the `head`.
The advantage to placing it in the `head` is that you will track a user's
pageview even if they leave the page before it has been fully loaded. However,
putting the code at the bottom keeps all the scripts together and reinforces
that scripts at the bottom are the right move.
### How can I integrate [Twitter Bootstrap](http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/) with HTML5 Boilerplate?
You can use [Initializr](http://initializr.com) to create a custom build that
includes HTML5 Boilerplate with Twitter Bootstrap.
Read more about how [HTML5 Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap complement each
### How do I prevent phone numbers looking twice as large and having a Skype highlight?
If this is occurring, it is because a user has the Skype browser extension
Use the following CSS to prevent Skype from formatting the numbers on your
span.skype_pnh_container {
display: none !important;
span.skype_pnh_print_container {
display: inline !important;
### Do I need to upgrade my sites each time a new version of HTML5 Boilerplate is released?
No. You don't normally replace the foundations of a house once it has been
built. There is nothing stopping you from trying to work in the latest changes
but you'll have to assess the costs/benefits of doing so.
### Where can I get help for support questions?
Please ask for help on

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# .htaccess
In Apache HTTP server, `.htaccess` (hypertext access) is the configuration file
that allows for web server configuration. HTML5 Boilerplate includes a number
of best practice server rules for making web pages fast and secure, these rules
can be applied in the `.htaccess` file.
**First, you'll want to have these modules enabled for optimum performance:**
* `mod_setenvif.c` (setenvif_module)
* `mod_headers.c` (headers_module)
* `mod_deflate.c` (deflate_module)
* `mod_filter.c` (filter_module)
* `mod_expires.c` (expires_module)
* `mod_rewrite.c` (rewrite_module)
## On Windows
You've got a couple of options that depend on how you installed Apache.
1. **WampServer**. This is by far the simplest option. If you have installed
WampServer just click on the icon in the task bar, hover over the Apache
section in the menu that comes up and then hover over the modules section.
You will be presented with a list of modules. Simply click on a module name
to enable it (or disable it if it is already enabled). A check mark next to
a module indicates that it is enabled. WampServer will automatically restart
the Apache service after you enable a module.
2. **Manually editing `httpd.conf`**. This assumes that you have manually
installed Apache. You will need to locate the `httpd.conf` file which is
normally in the `conf` folder in the folder where you installed Apache (for
example `C:\apache\conf\httpd.conf`). Open up this file in a text editor. Near
the top (after a bunch of comments) you will see a long list of modules. Check
to make sure that the modules listed above are not commented out. If they
are, go ahead and uncomment them and restart Apache.
That's it, you're done!
## On Linux
These instructions should work on any distribution where `apt-get` has been
used to install Apache.
1. Open up a terminal and type the following command. Enter your password when
`sudo a2enmod setenvif headers deflate filter expires rewrite include`
1. Restart apache by using the following command so the new configuration takes
`sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart`
That's it, you're done!
## On Mac
1. **MAMP PRO**. On the main screen, click the `Apache` tab and ensure that all
the required modules listed above are 'checked', indicating they are
2. **MAMP**. Locate the `httpd.conf` file, which is typically found in
`/Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf`. Open the file in a text editor
and uncomment all of the required modules listed above. Once you have done so,
reset MAMP.
3. **XAMPP**. Follow the same steps as for MAMP, but look for `httpd.conf` in
## Security
Do not turn off your ServerSignature (i.e., the `Server:` HTTP header). Serious
attackers can use other kinds of fingerprinting methods to figure out the
actual server and components running behind a port. Instead, as a site owner,
you should keep track of what's listening on ports on hosts that you control.
Run a periodic scanner to make sure nothing suspicious is running on a host you
control, and use the ServerSignature to determine if this is the web server and
version that you expect.
## Performance
### Configure ETags
FileETag None
Entity tags (ETags) is a mechanism that web servers and browsers use to
determine whether the component in the browser's cache matches the one on the
origin server. (An "entity" is another word for "component": images, scripts,
stylesheets, etc.) ETags were added to provide a mechanism for validating
entities that is more flexible than the last-modified date. An `ETag` is a
string that uniquely identifies a specific version of a component. The only
format constraints are that the string be quoted. The origin server specifies
the component's `ETag` using the `ETag` response header.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Last-Modified: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 03:03:59 GMT
ETag: "10c24bc-4ab-457e1c1f"
Content-Length: 12195
Later, if the browser has to validate a component, it uses the `If-None-Match`
header to pass the `ETag` back to the origin server. If the ETags match, a 304
status code is returned reducing the response by 12195 bytes for this
GET /i/yahoo.gif HTTP/1.1
Host: us.yimg.com
If-Modified-Since: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 03:03:59 GMT
If-None-Match: "10c24bc-4ab-457e1c1f"
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
The problem with ETags is that they typically are constructed using attributes
that make them unique to a specific server hosting a site. ETags won't match
when a browser gets the original component from one server and later tries to
validate that component on a different server, a situation that is all too
common on web sites that use a cluster of servers to handle requests. By
default, both Apache and IIS embed data in the ETag that dramatically reduces
the odds of the validity test succeeding on web sites with multiple servers.
The ETag format for Apache 1.3 and 2.x is inode-size-timestamp. Although a
given file may reside in the same directory across multiple servers, and have
the same file size, permissions, timestamp, etc., its inode is different from
one server to the next.
IIS 5.0 and 6.0 have a similar issue with ETags. The format for ETags on IIS is
Filetimestamp:ChangeNumber. A ChangeNumber is a counter used to track
configuration changes to IIS. It's unlikely that the ChangeNumber is the same
across all IIS servers behind a web site.
The end result is ETags generated by Apache and IIS for the exact same
component won't match from one server to another. If the ETags don't match, the
user doesn't receive the small, fast 304 response that ETags were designed for;
instead, they'll get a normal 200 response along with all the data for the
component. If you host your web site on just one server, this isn't a problem.
But if you have multiple servers hosting your web site, and you're using Apache
or IIS with the default ETag configuration, your users are getting slower
pages, your servers have a higher load, you're consuming greater bandwidth, and
proxies aren't caching your content efficiently. Even if your components have a
far future Expires header, a conditional GET request is still made whenever the
user hits Reload or Refresh.
If you're not taking advantage of the flexible validation model that ETags
provide, it's better to just remove the ETag altogether. The Last-Modified
header validates based on the component's timestamp. And removing the ETag
reduces the size of the HTTP headers in both the response and subsequent
requests. This Microsoft Support article describes how to remove ETags. In
Apache, this is done by simply adding the above line to your Apache
configuration file.
### Gzip Components
Compression reduces response times by reducing the size of the HTTP response.
Starting with HTTP/1.1, web clients indicate support for compression with the
Accept-Encoding header in the HTTP request.
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
If the web server sees this header in the request, it may compress the response
using one of the methods listed by the client. The web server notifies the web
client of this via the Content-Encoding header in the response.
Content-Encoding: gzip
Gzip is the most popular and effective compression method at this time. It was
developed by the GNU project and standardized by RFC 1952. The only other
compression format you're likely to see is deflate, but it's less effective and
less popular.
Gzipping generally reduces the response size by about 70%. Approximately 90% of
today's Internet traffic travels through browsers that claim to support gzip.
If you use Apache, the module configuring gzip depends on your version: Apache
1.3 uses `mod_gzip` while Apache 2.x uses `mod_deflate`.
There are known issues with browsers and proxies that may cause a mismatch in
what the browser expects and what it receives with regard to compressed
content. Fortunately, these edge cases are dwindling as the use of older
browsers drops off. The Apache modules help out by adding appropriate Vary
response headers automatically.
Servers choose what to gzip based on file type, but are typically too limited
in what they decide to compress. Most web sites gzip their HTML documents. It's
also worthwhile to gzip your scripts and stylesheets, but many web sites miss
this opportunity. In fact, it's worthwhile to compress any text response
including XML and JSON. Image and PDF files should not be gzipped because they
are already compressed. Trying to gzip them not only wastes CPU but can
potentially increase file sizes.
Gzipping as many appropriate file types as possible is an easy way to reduce
page weight and accelerate the user experience.
### Cache busting
A first-time visitor to your page may have to make several HTTP requests, but
by using the Expires header you make those components cacheable. This avoids
unnecessary HTTP requests on subsequent page views. Expires headers are most
often used with images, but they should be used on all components including
scripts, stylesheets, etc.
Traditionally, if you use a far future Expires header you have to change the
component's filename whenever the component changes.
The H5BP `.htaccess` has built-in filename cache busting. To use it, uncomment
the relevant lines in the `.htaccess` file.
Doing so will route all requests for `/path/filename.20120101.ext` to
`/path/filename.ext`. To use this, just add a time-stamp number (or your own
numbered versioning system) into your resource filenames in your HTML source
whenever you update those resources.
#### Example:
<script src="/js/myscript.20120305.js"></script>
<script src="/js/jqueryplugin.45.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/somestyle.49559939932.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/anotherstyle.2.css">
**N.B. You do not have to rename the resource on the filesystem.** All you have
to do is add the timestamp number to the filename in your HTML source. The
`.htaccess` directive will serve up the proper file.
Traditional cache busting involved adding a query string to the end of your
JavaScript or CSS filename whenever you updated it.
<script src="/js/all.js?v=12"></script>
However, as [Steve Souders](http://stevesouders.com/) explains in [*Revving
Filenames: dont use
the query string approach is not always reliable for clients behind a Squid
Proxy Server.
## Trailing slash redirects
Trailing slash redirects can be done by adding one of the options below in `.htaccess`.
### Option 1
Rewrite `domain.com/foo` -> `domain.com/foo/`.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,5}|/|#(.*))$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1/ [R=301,L]
### Option 2
Rewrite `domain.com/foo/` -> `domain.com/foo`
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1 [R=301,L]
Here are some tips to show you how to integrate the rewrite rules with
different CMS tools. There are four areas you need to look out for:
### 1. Keep a backup
If you use trailing slash redirects on an existing site, always keep a backup
of your `.htaccess` and test thoroughly on your staging server before using it on
a production server.
### 2. Don't replace existing rules, merge
For example, if you use CodeIgniter you may have existing URL rewrite rules like:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1
Merge the above with H5BP rules below:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,5}|/|#(.*))$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1/ [R=301,L]
### 3. Be careful of the order
Make sure you test thoroughly in your staging environment. For the above
example, the order is add trailing slash first, and add your existing rule
# this adds trailing slash
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,5}|/|#(.*))$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1/ [R=301,L]
# this gets rid of index.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1
### 4. Double-check `RewriteBase` path is correct
Make sure your `RewriteBase` path points to the correct location and sits above
any rewrite rules. This usually happens to those have WordPress and ran the
auto install. For instance, if you have a site at `example.com/blog`, your
RewriteBase may look like:
RewriteBase /blog/
If you already have a working RewriteBase, keep that and don't remove it.

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# The HTML
## Conditional `html` classes
A series of IE conditional comments apply the relevant IE-specific classes to
the `html` tag. This provides one method of specifying CSS fixes for specific
legacy versions of IE. While you may or may not choose to use this technique in
your project code, HTML5 Boilerplate's default CSS does not rely on it.
When using the conditional classes technique, applying classes to the `html`
element has several benefits:
* It avoids a [file blocking
discovered by Stoyan Stefanov and Markus Leptien.
* It avoids the need for an empty comment that also fixes the above issue.
* CMSes like WordPress and Drupal use the body class more heavily. This makes
integrating there a touch simpler.
* It still validates as HTML5.
* It uses the same element as Modernizr (and Dojo). That feels nice.
* It can improve the clarity of code in multi-developer teams.
## The `no-js` class
Allows you to more easily explicitly add custom styles when JavaScript is
disabled (`no-js`) or enabled (`js`). More here: [Avoiding the
## The order of meta tags, and `<title>`
As recommended by [the HTML5
( Specifying the document's character encoding), add your charset
declaration early (before any ASCII art ;) to avoid a potential
[encoding-related security
issue](http://code.google.com/p/doctype/wiki/ArticleUtf7) in IE. It should come
in the first [1024
The charset should also come before the `<title>` tag, due to [potential XSS
The meta tag for compatibility mode [needs to be before all elements except
title and meta](http://h5bp.com/f "Defining Document Compatibility - MSDN").
And that same meta tag can only be invoked for Google Chrome Frame if it is
within the [first 1024
## X-UA-Compatible
This makes sure the latest version of IE is used in versions of IE that contain
multiple rendering engines. Even if a site visitor is using IE8 or IE9, it's
possible that they're not using the latest rendering engine their browser
contains. To fix this, use:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
The `meta` tag tells the IE rendering engine two things:
1. It should use the latest, or edge, version of the IE rendering environment
2. If already installed, it should use the Google Chrome Frame rendering
This `meta` tag ensures that anyone browsing your site in IE is treated to the
best possible user experience that their browser can offer.
This line breaks validation, and the Google Chrome Frame part won't work inside
a conditional comment. To avoid these edge case issues it is recommended that
you **remove this line and use the `.htaccess`** (or other server config)
to send these headers instead. You also might want to read [Validating:
If you are serving your site on a non-standard port, you will need to set this
header on the server-side. This is because the IE preference option 'Display
intranet sites in Compatibility View' is checked by default.
## Mobile viewport
There are a few different options that you can use with the [`viewport` meta
tag](https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dkx3qtm_22dxsrgcf4 "Viewport and
Media Queries - The Complete Idiot's Guide"). You can find out more in [the
Apple developer docs](http://j.mp/mobileviewport). HTML5 Boilerplate comes with
a simple setup that strikes a good balance for general use cases.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
## Favicons and Touch Icons
The shortcut icons should be put in the root directory of your site. HTML5
Boilerplate comes with a default set of icons (include favicon and Apple Touch
Icons) that you can use as a baseline to create your own.
If your site or icons are in a sub-directory, you will need to reference the
icons using `link` elements placed in the HTML `head` of your document.
For a comprehensive overview, please read [Everything you always wanted to know
about touch icons](http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/touch-icons) by Mathias
## Modernizr
HTML5 Boilerplate uses a custom build of Modernizr.
[Modernizr](http://modernizr.com) is a JavaScript library which adds classes to
the `html` element based on the results of feature test and which ensures that
all browsers can make use of HTML5 elements (as it includes the HTML5 Shiv).
This allows you to target parts of your CSS and JavaScript based on the
features supported by a browser.
In general, in order to keep page load times to a minimum, it's best to call
any JavaScript at the end of the page because if a script is slow to load
from an external server it may cause the whole page to hang. That said, the
Modernizr script *needs* to run *before* the browser begins rendering the page,
so that browsers lacking support for some of the new HTML5 elements are able to
handle them properly. Therefore the Modernizr script is the only JavaScript
file synchronously loaded at the top of the document.
## The content area
The central part of the boilerplate template is pretty much empty. This is
intentional, in order to make the boilerplate suitable for both web page and
web app development.
### Google Chrome Frame
The main content area of the boilerplate includes a prompt to install Chrome
Frame (which no longer requires administrative rights) for users of IE 6. If
you intended to support IE 6, then you should remove the snippet of code.
### Google CDN for jQuery
The Google CDN version of the jQuery JavaScript library is referenced towards
the bottom of the page using a protocol-independent path (read more about this
in the [FAQ](faq.md)). A local fallback of jQuery is included for rare instances
when the CDN version might not be available, and to facilitate offline
Regardless of which JavaScript library you choose to use, it is well worth the
time and effort to look up and reference the Google CDN (Content Delivery
Network) version. Your users may already have this version cached in their
browsers, and Google's CDN is likely to deliver the asset faster than your
### Google Analytics Tracking Code
Finally, an optimized version of the latest Google Analytics tracking code is
included. Google recommends that this script be placed at the top of the page.
Factors to consider: if you place this script at the top of the page, youll be
able to count users who dont fully load the page, and youll incur the max
number of simultaneous connections of the browser.
Further information:
* [Optimizing the asynchronous Google Analytics
* [Tracking Site Activity - Google

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# The JavaScript
Information about the default JavaScript included in the project.
## main.js
This file can be used to contain or reference your site/app JavaScript code.
For larger projects, you can make use of a JavaScript module loader, like
[Require.js](http://requirejs.org/), to load any other scripts you need to
## plugins.js
This file can be used to contain all your plugins, such as jQuery plugins and
other 3rd party scripts.
One approach is to put jQuery plugins inside of a `(function($){ ...
})(jQuery);` closure to make sure they're in the jQuery namespace safety
blanket. Read more about [jQuery plugin
## vendor
This directory can be used to contain all 3rd party library code.
Minified versions of the latest jQuery and Modernizr libraries are included by
default. You may wish to create your own [custom Modernizr

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# Miscellaneous
## .gitignore
HTML5 Boilerplate includes a basic project-level `.gitignore`. This should
primarily be used to avoid certain project-level files and directories from
being kept under source control. Different development-environments will
benefit from different collections of ignores.
OS-specific and editor-specific files should be ignored using a "global
ignore" that applies to all repositories on your system.
For example, add the following to your `~/.gitconfig`, where the `.gitignore`
in your HOME directory contains the files and directories you'd like to
globally ignore:
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
* More on global ignores: http://help.github.com/ignore-files/
* Comprehensive set of ignores on GitHub: https://github.com/github/gitignore

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# Usage
Once you have cloned or downloaded HTML5 Boilerplate, creating a site or app
usually involves the following:
1. Set up the basic structure of the site.
2. Add some content, style, and functionality.
3. Run your site locally to see how it looks.
4. (Optionally run a build script to automate the optimization of your site -
e.g. [ant build script](https://github.com/h5bp/ant-build-script) or [node
build script](https://github.com/h5bp/node-build-script)).
5. Deploy your site.
## Basic structure
A basic HTML5 Boilerplate site initially looks something like this:
├── css
│ ├── main.css
│ └── normalize.css
├── doc
├── img
├── js
│ ├── main.js
│ ├── plugins.js
│ └── vendor
│ ├── jquery.min.js
│ └── modernizr.min.js
├── .htaccess
├── 404.html
├── index.html
├── humans.txt
├── robots.txt
├── crossdomain.xml
├── favicon.ico
└── [apple-touch-icons]
What follows is a general overview of each major part and how to use them.
### css
This directory should contain all your project's CSS files. It includes some
initial CSS to help get you started from a solid foundation. [About the
### doc
This directory contains all the HTML5 Boilerplate documentation. You can use it
as the location and basis for your own project's documentation.
### js
This directory should contain all your project's JS files. Libraries, plugins,
and custom code can all be included here. It includes some initial JS to help
get you started. [About the JavaScript](js.md).
### .htaccess
The default web server config is for Apache. [About the .htaccess](htaccess.md).
Host your site on a server other than Apache? You're likely to find the
corresponding configuration file in our [server configs
repo](https://github.com/h5bp/server-configs). If you cannot find a
configuration file for your setup, please consider contributing one so that
others can benefit too.
### 404.html
A helpful custom 404 to get you started.
### index.html
This is the default HTML skeleton that should form the basis of all pages on
your site. If you are using a server-side templating framework, then you will
need to integrate this starting HTML with your setup.
Make sure that you update the URLs for the referenced CSS and JavaScript if you
modify the directory structure at all.
If you are using Google Analytics, make sure that you edit the corresponding
snippet at the bottom to include your analytics ID.
### humans.txt
Edit this file to include the team that worked on your site/app, and the
technology powering it.
### robots.txt
Edit this file to include any pages you need hidden from search engines.
### crossdomain.xml
A template for working with cross-domain requests. [About
### icons
Replace the default `favicon.ico` and apple touch icons with your own. You
might want to check out Hans Christian's handy [HTML5 Boilerplate Favicon and
Apple Touch Icon

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 766 B

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<head> <head>
<meta charset="utf-8"> <meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<title></title> <title>Albert Schulz</title>
<meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">